The PlayStation Classic is all set to be a big Christmas gift for the nostalgia gamer in your life. When you holding Sony’s $100 PlayStation Classic is that it’s a well-made little device with some great details on the surface.
Memories of gaming in the ’90s will likely come flooding in, and if the cute console wasn’t enough, the classic and quaint PlayStation controller will almost certainly get you in the mood for some Tekken 3, Metal Gear Solid, or maybe even the original Resident Evil.
Unfortunately, Sony has confirmed that the playstation will not enable you to download new games.Furthermore, the reintroduction, however, may not go as smoothly as you’d expect. Compare to Playstation 3, you’re probably better off with a used PlayStation 3 than buying Playstation Classic.
Perhaps the most disappointing aspect of the PS Classic’s implementation is that some games exhibit frame rate issues, Tekken 3 being the most obvious example: if you’re used to Tekken 3 running at 60 frames per second, prepare for disappointment.
After you’ve spent considerable time with the PlayStation Classic, the simple included controllers start to feel inadequate compared to full-featured DualShock controllers. The PlayStation had them way back in 1997, dual analog sticks, vibration, and all.
The PS Classic may never be more than a puny PlayStation with good looks.