Leanne Hecht Bearden, 33, went missing Friday in the early afternoon, and police are encouraging the public to provide any information. Bearden, last seen there leaving her in-laws’ home for a walk Friday, her family and friends still are struggling to find answers. A search is under way in Texas, northeast of San Antonio, for the Denver woman who took a stroll almost a week ago and has not returned to her in-laws’ residence where she and husband, Josh Bearden, 39, were staying.
“While we are very concerned for Ms. Bearden’s welfare, there is no indication at this time that this is criminal in nature,” the Garden Ridge Police Department said in a statement.
More than 50 volunteers convened early Wednesday at Covenant Baptist Church in Garden Ridge to launch their search for the 33-year-old woman, who loved the outdoors and recently had finished a worldwide trip with her husband. Bearden and her husband had just returned to the United States in December after spending nearly two years traveling around the world according to their blog, and were temporarily staying with Josh’s parents. Josh and Leanne of four years were supposed to fly to their home in Denver on Tuesday to resume job searches.
According to Will Bearden, Josh said Leanne left to go on a walk about 1:30 p.m. Friday. She was expected to return in an hour, when she had a phone call scheduled about a job prospect in Denver.
When she did not return within four hours, Josh Bearden reported her missing. About that time, his father and mother returned from an out-of-town trip. “We could draw up scenarios that range from the sublime to the ridiculous,” Will Bearden said. “I just stick with what we know. What we know is she was seen leaving our house Friday, and no one has seen her since.”
Garden Ridge police have sent out a “Missing Person Alert.” According to the department’s website, they were contacted January 17 at about 5:20 p.m. when Bearden didn’t return home.
Heidi Search Center and Texas Search and Rescue, both nonprofit organizations, also are assisting in the search.
Anyone with information on Bearden’s whereabouts is asked to call the Garden Ridge Police Department’s nonemergency line at 210-651-6441 or e-mail police@ci.garden-ridge.tx.us.
The public also can call Comal County Crime Stoppers at 830-620-TIPS (8477) or 800-640-8422. Instructions for sending tips via the Internet or text messages can be found at comalcrimestoppers.org/
She is 5-foot-2, weighs about 100 pounds and has brown hair and brown eyes. She has two piercings on her left ear: one on the bottom and a small loop at the top. She was last seen wearing jeans and hiking shoes.