“Family Sins” is a true story on the family of Brenda Geck. The movie stars Kirstie Alley, Will Patton and Deanna Milligan. Geck lived a lie in her community. Geck was a model citizen on the outside. Geck had a husband and children. Geck showed she tried to share her blessings by sharing her home to foster children.
Geck worked as a real estate agent. On Sunday, Geck and her family went to church and projected a good image with her charity work. The Mayor and police even praised Geck for her contribution to the local society.
Marie Devereaux, the foster child, and her mother, lived with Brenda Geck and her family. One day, Marie Devereaux escaped from the Geck household and went to see the assistant attorney general, Philip Rothman.
Devereaux told Rothman the truth about Brenda Geck behind closed doors. Devereaux accused Geck of robbery, rape, arson, insurance fraud and kidnapping. Rothman started investigations to gather evidence against Brenda Geck.
Rothman soon discovered how Geck controlled her children and those under her by using threats. Rothmans was surprised how Geck fooled everyone with her larger than life public image.
source: celebgalz.com
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