Desert Ridge Tornado happened at Loop-101 and Tatum, but damage report are not currently available. The desert ridge tornado warning lapsed at 9pm MST. This tornado capable of producing a tormado 8 miles west of Scottsdale moving Northeast.

The safest place to be during a tornado is in a basement, gut under a workbench or other sturdy piece of furniture. If a basement is not available, find the lowest floor of the building in an interior hallway.

4 thoughts on “Desert Ridge Tornado”
  1. […] Desert Ridge Tornado Warning » tornado warning phoenix, tornado in … ( – January 22, 2010Desert Ridge Tornado happened at Loop-101 and Tatum, but damage report are not currently available. The desert ridge tornado warning lapsed at 9pm MST. Thi… […]

  2. […] Desert Ridge Tornado – Tornado In Phoenix! [Video] – …Desert Ridge Tornado happened at Loop-101 and Tatum, but damage report are not currently available. The desert ridge tornado warning lapsed at 9pm MST. Thi… Read more […]

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