Chris Leben vs. Jake Rosholt
Round 1
Rosholt lands a low kick to start off the round. He lands another low kick as both fighters are a little apprehensive. Rosholt lands a right to the face.. Leben lands a take down with a trip.. Rosholt up right away and lands a huge left hook…. Rosholt gets in the mount position…. Leben finishes the round with wild haymakers that don’t land..
Round 2
Leben lands a left hook. Leben in the half guard and starts throwing punches to the head and body… Ref stands the fighters up after little action… Rosholt kicking at Leben’s lead leg… to keep him at bay. Leben lands a straight right… Back to the ground as the round closes..
Round 3
Rosholt lands a quick takedown and he attempts an arm triangle until he is able to finally lock it in and choke out Leben… Ref stops the fight after he initially missed Leben tap out… Leben is twitching after he was choked out…
Winner – Jake Rosholt via submission at 1:20 in the 3rd round