Before thinking about paying for apps for your ipod touch there are lots of fun applications that you can download to your ipod touch for free. All you have to do is visit the Apple Apps store and see what is available but to give you a head start on what you can expect here is a small sample list of some nice apps.

Body Mass Index: If you are into working out and you keep in touch with your BMI (Body Mass Index) then this app will be helpful. It calculates your BMI in metric or English measurements.

EasyWriter: Many people are trying to expand their ipod touch to more than just listening to music and watching videos but also to writing emails. This application allows you to write emails better which also has nice features to simplify and enhance your emails.

Evernote: This app is more in line with the Evernote website where you are able to make notes to help you remember. This is a good tool to help you become more productive by turning your ipod touch into a note taker when you are out and abut. The notes can be written or voice recorded. We all know how many times we cannot find a pen to write down something important. Your ipod touch can replace your pen.

Fring: This app is sure to be a popular one for many ipod touch owners. You are able to make voice phone calls using popular software like Skype, Fring, along with headphones and a microphone you will be able to make phone calls using your ipod touch.

There are lots more apps that are FREE for app users. Check it out at